Friday, April 25, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

David James Elliott in "Impact"

With all the 'hype' about this new mini-series, I have to put my two-cents in.

Since 'JAG' ended, someone had the nerve to compare David James Elliott to Scott Bakula ('Quntum Leap') "taking roles where he can". Well, ya know - the man has to make a living and please, by all means give the man some credit. In my opinion, David James Elliott doesn't seem to be the type to "just settle" for any role that comes along. Do I sound defensive of the man? Boy, I sure hope so because the man is a hell of an actor and to those who say that DJE is "going to take what he can get", you're intitled to your opinions, but please, by all means, familarize yourselves with the man's acting career before you start throwing tomatoes.

Now that I rambled on about that... onto the good stuff (then again, I don't think I was into anything bad from the begininng). 'Impact'. The first review I read was published by The Hollywood Reporter, though it was a good snyopsis of the mini-series, it only reminded me of Bruce Willis' movie, 'Armageddan'. Hmmm... does anyone even remember that movie? Well, let me see if this old broad can refresh some memories. NASA puts together this team of civilians whose expertise is drilling, they turn them into "astronauts" and send them on a shuttle into space to demolish a very large asteroid headed to Earth. Of course they succeed on destroy the asteroid.

Of course, in 'Impact' we're they're talking about the moon colliding with Earth. I will of course tune in to watch, but I really hope the writers are not replacing the asteroid in 'Armageddan' with the moon in 'Impact'. I,unfortunately will have to be disappointed with the only highlight of the series is that it's starring none other than David James Elliott.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

"Love Sick" with David James Eilliott

I tuned into Lifetime last night to watch 'Love Sick: Secrets of a Sex Addict' last night. This was an excellent movie and I throughly enjoyed it. I'm sure some tuned-in hoping for some "long" and steamy sex scenes, but too bad - go watch some x-rated movie if that's what you wanted! I for one am quite glad they didn't turn the bedroom scenes into something more luring, they were steamy enough and done with a lot of dignity and class "more" was not necessary. I think it would've been too much if they did.

With all the hype about David James Elliott being in this movie, I was just slightly disapointed that there weren't more scenes with him and Sue (even if it wasn't in the bedroom), not even a flashback when Sue admitted to the phsycologist that she was still having sex with him. Sure, Sue follows him to the parking garage and arrives at his house (you bad girl, Sue, but, I can't blame you when you're looking at this actor portraying 'Rick'). I know DJE is a very good looking man and his wife is a very lucky lady, we've seen him in boxers in 'JAG', a few bedroom scenes in 'Degree of Guilt', but the bedroom scenes in 'Love Sick' - I only have one word... WHEW!! I think this took DJE's acting abilities to a whole new level and only shows the fabulous actor that he is.

I've never watched "Army Wives" and don't recall ever watching anything with Sally Pressman. I was actually impressed with her acting. Hell, she almost had me in tears with some heavy and powerful scenes, not to mention very emotional.

Despite the little disapointment, this movie was about Sue Silverman and her road to recovery. I had to feel sorry for DJE's character, "Rick", at the end attempting to contact Sue after she's released from the clinic. However, we see Sue struggling to answer the phone or not, her "test" of strong-will remembering how addicted she was to him for sex before going to the clinic. No, instead she calls her physcologist. Good for you Sue for not giving in!

This was a very powerful and emotional movie. I have to give a hell of a lot of credit to Sue Silverman for writing her book and allowing this portion of her life to be made into a movie and aired on TV. I hope that Lifetime will air the movie again and maybe one day release it on DVD.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

David James Elliott's movie 'Code 11-14'

Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I for one definitely tuned into Hallmark tonight to watch 'Code 11-14' - which, if you caught the comment from the pilot, is the code for a dead body aboard a flight; at least in the movie it was, I'm not positive about reality.

Anyway, I think this was a very excellent movie and if you missed it, I hope you recorded it somehow to watch at a later time. Other wise, as they saying goes, you snooze you lose. Maybe you'll get lucky and Hallmark will air it again, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

As always, David did a supurb acting job! I always love seeing DJE acting with children, and, far as I'm concerned, not every actor or actress can pull that off as easily as DJE does. Another factor in DJE acting so well with children is because he is a father himself and it's natural for him to have "tv kids".

I truely enjoyed the action in this movie and I wish David would do more action films. (Yes, Hollywood, that was a hint. Not that you're paying attention!).

As I understand it, 'Code 11-14' was postponed from the originally scheduled air date due to 9-11, and understably so. I didn't see this particular movie when it originally aired on television, but I have to give kudos to the powers-that-be for making that call. I think there were way too many movies released close to 9-11 that were related to that tragic day.

I'm really looking foreword to seeing DJE in 'Love Sick' on Lifetime in a couple of weeks on April 19th. Oh my, then a few weeks after that, season 6 of 'JAG' will be released on DVD... WHEW!! I think I need an iceberg to cool off on - three "new" releases of DJE in the same number of months! I'm not sure how much more this old bat can take!! But, I'll take everything and anything released with David James Elliott.

I hope everyone has a marvelous weekend.

Until next time...


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Some serious issues...

If you haven't figured it out by now, I have lots of ramblings this week. First it was my previous post regarding David James Elliott and now, it's just a little more serious.

I'm sure everyone has heard by now about the bombing of a recuriting station in New York City. Since 9-11, I've asked my self numerous times - what is this world coming to?! I mean, sure the nit-wits that decided to bomb a public military office at least had the decency to comence their vicious deed when nobody was there. So, what does that make them, compassionate terrorists or compassionate protestors? In my opinion, there was nothing compassionate about it!

I'm all for people standing up and fighting for what they believe in, but there *is* a right way and a wrong way to go about it... providing people use the common sense God gave them.

I don't know anyone that always agrees with our politicians, but I'm a firm believer in supporting the military! I have to say that if it wasn't for our founding father's, our past and current military - this country would be a completely differnent place to live. Rehtorical question time here, when was the last time a protestor read the Bill of Rights? I don't mean the parts that says, "Freedom of Speech", "Freedom of the Press" or "Right to bear arms". I have to ask... WHO gave you those rights? I don't see these younger folks that are protesting the war - and outside our military bases - fighting to keep those rights. Which by the way, are rights the men and women of the military lost the day they joined. Our forefathers fought the Revolutionary War to free themselves from England. Our forefathers fought the Civil War to abolish slavery. Hundreds of years later we're fighting a different kind of war... War on Terrorism!

This makes this old broad angry! People *forget* who fought and died to protect and defend our Constitution - protect our country - assist the helpless during a humanitarian mission in a crisis. People forget *who* still protects this country and defends the Constitution without question. I'll remind you folks... it's the US military giving you the right to distract drivers waving signs to impeech the President, get our troops out of Iraq and to speak out against the govenment.

One of my favorite episodes in season 4 of 'JAG' is "Act of Terror". Barry Corbin guest-stars as 'Percival Bertram', a business man where he later learns - thanks to David James Elliott's charcter 'Harm' - his money was backing terrorists attacks (personally, I think the louse Bertram knew all along by his smug grin at the end). Anyway, in the episode - which I think was excellently done by both of these actors - there is some serious conversations going with the ego of both parties showing very well and 'Harm' not backing down in a civilized manner. Now, I may not have appreciated 'Bertram' throughout the episode, but in a conversation, with the lawyer we've come to know and love, he says, "Their terrorism will not defeat us..." and a piece of 'Harm's' reply is, "Vigilantes like yourself are as dangerous to this country as the terrorists." --

Granted it might be Hollywood, but hats off and kudos to the writers of that scene! DJE's character also says, "We are a nation of laws" - believe you me folks, the "long arm of the law" isn't as long as you may think! Personally, I think we should go back to the days of "tar and feather", but I'm sure someone - maybe the ACLU - will deem it inhumane and unconstitutional. Our ancestors didn't think it was with the means of punishment they had in the 1800's. Ah, maybe we should go back to the days of the Salem Witch Trials... burn 'em all at the stake!

Then again, wasn't it someone along the lines of the ACLU, if it wasn't the ACLU, that changed the Pledge of Alligence - can't say 'One Nation under God' any more. I could be wrong, but when being sworn in during a court proceeding, I don't think they say, 'So help you God' any more either. I'm sure if I looked, US dollars and coins you won't read 'In God We Trust'. I don't see what the problem is or was... I know everyone has thier own religious beliefs and I'm not against that, but it never seemed to bother people umpteen years ago.

We tell our friends not to change because someone else wants them too. Why in the hell should this country change because some damn group like the ACLU cries in their pity pot for whatever reason? Personally - I think they can all stick their heads back in the sand and leave things well enough alone. As the saying goes, "Don't fix it if it's not broken." and not "If it's not broken, don't fix it until it is."

I think I rambled on long enough for one night.
Until next time folks...


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Good and bad new for David James Elliott fans

Hi all,

I was informed through the grapevine that 'Rainbow Tribe' will not be released until next January. I don't know what the people in charge are thinking, but that's some depressing news for this old broad!

Now, that was the bad news. Here's the good news for all my fellow David James Elliott fans...

A big thanks to my blog pal, JD, who has been so pleasently blessed with a very rare friendship... at least I would call it rare. I mean, really, how many of us "normal" people become friends with someone famous like Sue Silverman? JD found out direct from the horse's mouth, so to speak (no discrespect to Ms. Silverman), that Lifetime has changed the date once again for the airing of 'Love Sick: Secrets of a Sex Addict' to April 19th. I'm sure you all knew this already, but too bad... this is my blog and my ramblings of sorts.

Hey, you know - That's not really that far away and considering season 6 of 'JAG' is (last I knew) scheduled for release some where around Memorial Day. Two months in a row of releasing film and screen work staring David James Elliott... what gal in thier right mind would complain about that?


Monday, February 18, 2008

David James Elliott is back!

Well, my darling niece called me today. I think she's as excited as the rest of the fans of David James Elliott. She says to me, "Aunt Maria, you know David James Elliott has been filming a couple of movies." (What the does she think I do, live under a rock?). I politely replied with "Yes, dear, you have mentioned it before along with my online friends." (She forgets that I watch Lifetime too). She says, "Well, don't get too riled up by the title." (How can I get riled up when we're disussing David James Elliott?). I asked her why she thinks I would. The young darling says, "Aunt Maria, Lifetime changed the title to 'Secrets of a Sex Addict'. Well, that did it for me and just started laughing. Naturally, my niece asked what was so funny. I sarcastically replied, "Sex is no secret" - I think my niece thought that I would take it that Lifetime would be showing some movie that belongs in the Playboy mansion.

Sometimes I really worry about my niece. I'm really looking forword to seeing DJE in this movie and just maybe I'll write a little review for everyone from an old bat's point of view.
